Tag Archives: muscle

TD 16012014

Morning – BB legs

15-12-10-8 back squats 30kg-35kg-40kg-45kg

3×12 split squat 30kg

3×20 walking lunges (dumbbells 12 kg)

3×12 elevated lunges (8kg dumbbells, see photo 😉 )

Super set: 3×15 Smith’s machine 3×30 calf raise on the machine


Evening – C

45mins treadmill

TD 29122013

Morning – BB legs

4×15 back squat (40kg barbell)

4×15 split squat (40kg barbell)

4×12 elevated leg split squat (6kg dumbbells)

4×15 calf raise



Evening – C

1h walk outside

TD 19122013

Morning – BB

15 x back squat (40kg)

12 x back squat (45kg)

10 x back squat (50kg)

8 x back squat (55kg)

3×12 split squat (40kg)

3×12 DL (45kg)

3×12 hamstring pull (cable machine)

Evening – C

30mins cross trainer

30mins treadmill


TD 20112013

Day 20: 145 squats

Morning – BB

3×20 dumbbells front raise

3×20 dumbbells lateral raise

3×12 dumbbells shoulder press

3×15 incline lateral pull

3×15 decline lateral pull

Evening – CF


manmakers with step over

core platform twist

dead lift


barbell row

walking push ups

Baked turkey breast

Finally! Bought almost one kilo of turkey breast. Cleaned it, combined with some mustard, cumin and spicy seasoning.

Oven baked for 50mins in 160 degrees.

It’s really delicate and juicy 😀

Can’t wait to have my dinner tomorrow!

Plan: turkey + rye pasta + dry tomatoes + fresh bazil



TD 31102013

Day 31: 200 burpees

Morning – BB

3×12 one arm barbell row

3×12 bent over barbell row

3×12 bent over sitting lateral dumbbells raise

3×12 lat pull

3×12 seated row


200 burpees

LAST DAY OF THE MONTH! No more burpees! YAY!! I am so happy! 😀

TD 25092013

Morning – BB

3×12 bent over dumbbells pull (14-16kg)

3×12 one arm pull (18kg dumbbell)

3×12 bent over dumbbells flies (6kg dumbbells)

3×12 lat pull (cable machine)

3×12 seated row (cable machine)

30mins cross trainer

30mins treadmill (power walk)

Evening – CF

3 rounds; 1min30sec; 1min; 30sec;

DL, KB swing, box jump (60cm), sit ups, TRX pull, leg lifts, burpees, back squats, elevated plank, walk over step with weights