Tag Archives: box

TD 22022014

Morning – G

1h FitBall training (teaching class; using swiss ball and weights; all body parts)

1h crossfit


5 jumping pull ups

10 DL (50kg)

15 box jumps (60cm)

20 jumping pull ups

25 DL (40kg)

30 box jumps (60cm)

30 jumping pull ups

25 DL (40kg)

20 box jumps

And we should have done one more set of 15-10-5 but there was no time left. Had to run to teach next fitness class. There was 3 of us, so when someone was using pull up bar or box or anything else the rest was doing plank 😀

30min core training (teaching class; abs and back)

Back on track! I feel great! Ate porridge with few almonds and a tsp of honey. Drank some fresh squeezed orange juice. Lovely 😀

Have a great Saturday!

TD 02022014

Lazy Sunday morning, had to pump it up a bit 😉

Afternoon training – with my friend Ania, who was really brave and trained along my side 😀

1h of stamina: front kicks, side kicks, back kicks, boxing run, punches, hooks, jump kicks, etc (everything with 1kg dumbbells)

40mins treadmill

TD 08012014

Morning – box

My first boxing class in Poland 😉

1h training with our awesome trainer Feliks!!

I can’ feel my wrists hahahaha it’s even hard to type.. and I am teaching crossfit class in the evening :p I wonder what will I feel tomorrow! 😀

Evening – CF

WOD: 3 rounds of:

20 x complex (hang power clean, push press, back squat and back to the begining)

15 x burpee

10 x V-ups

2 rounds of:

10 x complex

15 x burpee

20 x V-ups

Survived! 😀

TD 03052013

Try that 😀

400m row

40 jumps over bench

40 burpee box jumps

40 ball shots (from over head smash the floor)

300m row

30 jumps over bench

30 burpee box jumps

30 ball shots

200m row

20 jumps over bench

20 burpee box jumps

20 ball shots

100m row

10 jumps over bench

10 burpee box jumps

10 ball shots
