Tag Archives: abdominals

TD 09062014

Morning – BB

Monday, so why not chest? 😉

bench press

dumbbells bench press

incline bench press




Evening – G

1h ABT (abs, bottom, thigh)

45mins aqua aerobic


TD 14042014

Morning – recovering.. still 😉

Evening – G

1h ABT (teaching class; abdominals, bottom, thighs)

I feel like a human again.. not a superhero! I NEED to recover! Wanna go back to my crazy trainings 😀

TD 03022014

Morning – BB

4 x max pul ups

4 x 12 bent over babrell row

4 x 12 T-bar bent over row

Afternoon – C

50mins treadmill

Evening – G

1h ABT (teaching class; squats, lunges, lifts, abdominals etc)


TD 20012014

Morning – BB back bicep

4×12 lat pull

4×12 bent over barbell row

3×12 T-barbell row

3×12 one arm dumbbell row

3×12 lat pull (reverse, narrow grip)

3×12 bicep barbell curl

3×12 bicep dumbbell curl

Evening – G

1h ABT (teaching class; abdominals; bottom; thighs)

TD 17012014

Morning – BB abs

45mins of

TRX crunches

sit ups

bench leg lifts

decline bench leg lifts

decline bench sit ups

bosu crunches


Evening – C

25mins interval spinning

10mins treadmill


TD 11112013

Day 11: 100 squats

Morning – C

30min treadmil

100 squats


Evening – G (teaching fitness class)

1h ABT class (abdominals, bottom, thighs – lots of lots of squats, lunges, jumps, sit up, leg lifts etc)

TD 28102013

Day 28: 185 burpees


approx 10km run in 45mins? (it was simply gorgeous outside!)

185 burpees


1h ABT class (teaching): lots of squats, lunges, leg lifts, crunches, sit ups, etc etc

Busy day, really busy.. had a lot of work in between, but luckily found some time for a 30min nap! ❤

TD 14102013

Day 14: 115 burpees


115 burpees

35mins skipping


1h ABT class (abdominals, buttocks, thighs: lots of squats, lunges and sit ups)


TD 20092013

Morning – chest&abs

3 super sets:

12 x 25-30kg bar bench press / 20 x straight legs & hips lifts

3 super sets:

12 x decline bench press (30-40kg bar) / 20 x decline bench sit ups

3 super sets:

12 x bench flies (8kg dumbbells) / 20 x straight legs lifts

3 super sets:

12 x incline bench press (20kg bar) / 40 x crunch on BOSU

3 super sets:

12 x standing flies / 20 x knees up

Evening – C

30mins cross trainer

TD 28082013

Morning – C


Distance: 10km

Duration: 57min


Distance: 9km

Duration: 30min

Evening – BB

3×12 “arnolds” (8-10-12kg dumbbells)

3×12 shoulder press (20kg bar)

3×12 lateral raise with rotation (5kg dumbbell)

3×12 lateral pull (cable machine)

3×12 reverse flies (cable machine)

30mins abs workout (2min elevated plank, 1min/1min one leg elevated plank, 2min hi plank knees to chest, 2min crunches)