Tag Archives: hi plank

TD 12022014

Morning – C

40mins skipping (love my speed rope)

Evening – CF

1h crossfit

25 thrusters

30 air squats

25 back squats

30 jump squats

25 dead lifts

30 x hi plank: knees to chest; knees across to elbows; same knee same elbow

TD 15122012

Morning – C

30min Zuu class at VA

45min training:

3 rounds of:

~4min skipping (on my perfect speed rope)

30 reps of push up&crunch on TRX (hi plank, feet in TRX, doing elevated push up chased by knees to chest crunch)

3 rounds of:

~4 min skipping

40 reps of side crunches (hi plank, feet in TRX, pull both knees to one elbow and go all the way back to the other elbow)

Well.. the skipping part is a little tricky, cuz I am not sure if I did 4 mins each time.. I was skipping to songs, changing the style all the time (DU, both legs, side ways, hi knees, etc). I took few breathers in between cuz it is exhausting! 😉

after TRX workout