Tag Archives: plank

TD 25022014

Morning – C

1h hardcore spinning (teaching class)

1h crossfit

WOD: 4 rounds:

30 jumping jacks (with weights)


30 push ups (with weight on back)


30 thrusters


30 “wheels” (full arms extention with weights)


Finished with 3 sets of abdominals exercises. 🙂

Evening – C + BB

45mins treadmill (7km/h)

3×12 tricep extention (8kg dumbbell)

3×12 dumbbell lift (12kg; from behind head)

3×12 dips

3×12 “bull’s balls” – or however it is in english 😉

TD 05022014

Morning – C

15min spinning

35mins treadmill

Evening – CF

1h crossfit: WOD: 1min30sec; 1min; 30sec:


burpees + jump over barbell

plank + moving legs up and down

burpees + dumbbells

plank + arms swing

burpees + box jump

plank + lateral arm raise

burpees + C&J

20min treadmill

TD 14012014

Morning – C + CF

1h hardcore spinning (teaching class; sweating out like crazy!)

1h crossfit: 3 rounds: 1min30sec; 1min; 30sec:

WOD: circuit training: 10 stations:

push ups

box jumps


walk on step with weights

sit ups

leg lifts

squat jumps

hi plank dumbbells row

mountain climber

jumping pull ups

Nice team, good workout 🙂

TD 12112013

Day 12: 105 squats

Morning – teaching classes at Calypso

1h hardcore spinning (LOVED IT!)


1min30sec; 1min of:

push ups




hi plank low plank

mountain climber

* etra 5min row after each round

Choose your weights. It looks innocent but trust me, it was a killer! 😀

TD 02112013

Day 2: 55 squats

Morning – CF

WOD: 21-15-9

back squat (20kg plate)

squat jumps

front lunges (20kg plate)

jumping lunges

side squats (20kg plate)

push ups

overhead back lunges (20kg plate)


TD 03022013

Morning – G

~45mins training

5 sets x 20 reps TRX push up & crunch (feet in TRX)

3 sets x 30 reps TRX side crunch (feet in TRX, pull both knees to one elbow, alternating)

3 sets x 20 reps crunches (low plank in TRX)

3 sets x 15 reps abs wheel (on your knees, roll wheel in front as far as you can without falling and back)

Another workout that doesn’t involve feet 😉

TD 18122012

Morning – BB

1 hour shoulder training

Afternoon – chillout at the beach 🙂

Evening – CF

“Bear crawl” challenge

10-9-8-…-1 of:

bear crawl


scissor abs crunches

Took me aroun 20mins so EXTREEEEMLY slow!!

45mins Zuu class! ❤


TD 15122012

Morning – C

30min Zuu class at VA

45min training:

3 rounds of:

~4min skipping (on my perfect speed rope)

30 reps of push up&crunch on TRX (hi plank, feet in TRX, doing elevated push up chased by knees to chest crunch)

3 rounds of:

~4 min skipping

40 reps of side crunches (hi plank, feet in TRX, pull both knees to one elbow and go all the way back to the other elbow)

Well.. the skipping part is a little tricky, cuz I am not sure if I did 4 mins each time.. I was skipping to songs, changing the style all the time (DU, both legs, side ways, hi knees, etc). I took few breathers in between cuz it is exhausting! 😉

after TRX workout

TD 13122012

Training day:

Morning – CF


5 rounds of:

30 box jumps (50cm this time)

30 wall ball shots (6kg – cuz there were no 7kg; guys should use 9kg)

400m run

My time was around 26-27mins, so not that great, but it was a fair workout 😀


Deserved my chillout in the swimming pool area 😉

Unfortunately though, “Kelly” strained my foot, barely managed to walk back to the apartment 😦

Was recovering through the afternoon, ate delicious dinner (prawns!!) and was all ready for the evening training!

Evening – C

Body Combat class – 1 hour – it’s like a aerobic but with combat moves: kicks, hoocks, punches, upper cross, etc

Zuu – 45mins – awesome class: push ups, planks, bear crawls, iguana crawls, jumps, holds, etc

Supper – well deserved – steak and cabbage! ❤